Shanika J. Butts height=

Shanika Jerger Butts

Ruby on Rails | Junior Developer | Reinventor of Self | Charlotte, NC

About Me

I am a Junior Ruby on Rails Developer living in Charlotte, NC. My diverse business background includes experience in the health care industry and entrepreneurship. My current skills include: Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, Bootcamp and Git.



Weather App

Weather Forecast App

Rails App using the following gems: httparty and figaro and Wunderground API. Find the weather forecast for your city. The background image changes based on the forcast in the city you chose.


find my bus app

Find My Bus App

Used Marta API to determine the nearest bus location based on an address.


movie database

Family Movie Collection

Family Movie Database


message board

My Message Board

Forum app written in HAML.User signs up with capability to post, edit and delete ones own posts. Comments can also be made on other user's posts. Devise gem was used for authentication.
